Maroon Comix #1: Origins and Destinies

"Maroon Comix #1: Origins and Destinies" is coming soon!

An illustrated prophetic history of maroon communities! Conceived, compiled and coordinated by Quincy Saul, featuring selections and citations from: Russell Maroon Shoatz, Gaanman Joachim-Joseph Adochini, Herbert Aptheker, Mavis Campbell, Wade Davis, Dan Hancox, Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, C.L.R. James, James Koehnline, Sabu Kohso, Butch Lee, Julius Nyerere, Abdullah Öcalan, Richard Price and more!

Illustrated by 
Mac McGill, Songe Riddle, Seth Tobocman, Hannah Allen, Emmy Kepler & Mikaela Gonzalez!

Featuring a "Maroon Library," listing over a hundred resources in: Maroon History, Maroon Philosophy, Whiteness and European Maroons, Marooning in the 20th and 21st Century, Maroons in the East, Maroon Literature, Maroon Movies, Maroon Articles, Maroon Music & Maroon Recipes!

Brought to you by the Ecosocialist Horizons editorial collective; the team that brought you "Truth and Dare: A Comic Book Curriculum for the End and the Beginning of the World".

Dedicated to Fred Ho.

Stay tuned...
